Sunday, April 1, 2012

A to Z April Blogging Challenge

I created this blog quite some time back, but never really found a good reason or an excuse to get started with blogging.  Call it laziness, call it inertia, call it procrastination - I just never could find a way to get the ball rolling.  I always thought I should start off with an initial post all about me.  However, every time I thought about writing a blurb about myself I started thinking about how that just sounded so trite, so egotistical, so self-absorbed.  Which, being a Leo, isn't too far from the truth - well, the egotistical part anyways lol.  It also just seemed like a chore which I never ended up wanting to do.  And so, the blog sat empty, with the dashboard just being a convenient way for me to be able to find the blogs I liked to read.  Until now.

My fiancee alerted me to the A to Z April Blogging Challenge (referenced in my banners above), where the simple assignment is just to write one post a day based on the current letter of the alphabet.  I thought about it, and figured that this would be a good way for me to dabble a little into the world of blogging and decide if it's something I'd like to do with any sort of regularity.  

And so, I give you, my non-existent (except for my fiancee) readers my very first blog post.  Today's entry is to be based on the letter A, so I've naturally chosen the A to Z April Blogging Challenge itself.  Notice how I deftly avoided using the "A" post to write about myself, which would have also been a valid topic given that my first name is Alan hahaha.

We shall see where this blogging adventure goes.  Hope some of you that stumble on this blog enjoy my musings and feel free to comment or message me about what I write here.


  1. Welcome to the blog world! I'm looking forward to reading your wonderful writing.

    A Ladybug's Life


  2. Can't wait to read more!

  3. Looking forward to your musings during the challenge!

  4. Godspeed. May your experience be told.

  5. Great A post! I hope you have a great time doing the A to Z Challenge. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next. :)

    Sarah @ The Writer's Experiment

  6. Welcome to A-Z! Glad to have you aboard! What's wrong with talking about yourself? Isn't that the whole point of a blog? To rant about a bad day? Talk about the things you like? It's a great way for us to get to know you!

  7. Cheers all - thanks for the welcome and encouragement!
